What do you want to be able to do?
Different goals require different skills.

Make Colors that are Pretty or Make Enamel Artwork?


Use HEAT to bond glass onto metal

Artistic Enameling

Use enamel to make something ARTISTIC

Master your
"Outer & Inner Worlds"
of enameling.

You are always using both skill sets!
Why not learn to master them?

Using your HANDS to change what you see...


Using your HEAD & HEART to change what you see...


Do you want to feel...

Enamel Confidence

Learn & Improve your Enameling Skills
  • Enamel on Copper & Fine Silver
  • Firing Skills
  • Basics: Sifting & Sgraffito
  • Transparent, Opaque, & Opalescent Color
  • Wet Inlay
  • Cloisonne´:Techniques: Wires, Foils, & Color Layers
Understand & Apply the Science

Enamel PRINCIPLES are like "laws of nature"; when I do X , then Y happens.

When you understand what is causing the materials to behave the way that they do, confusion disappears and confidence takes it's place.

  • Learn the Enamel Principles: Why does it happen?
  • What are the Variables? What can I change that will affect my results?
  • How can I control the variables so that I can achieve the results that I want?
How can I discover & embrace my artistic enamel voice?

What is the "enamel language" that I want to use to make my enamel artwork?
How can I learn this and become fluent?
Learn my colors so that I can...

  • Become fluent with my tools & materials
  • Think in enamel.
  • Speak in enamel.
  • Find a way to use enamel that is YOU.
What is your artistic Vision?
What do you want to SAY with what you know?

You are unique.
You are the only one in the world with your point of view and your experiences.
You have skills, knowledge, a voice...
What do you want to say with what you know?

  • Is it a moment in time or space?
  • A memory, person, or event?
  • Your favorite things?
  • There is no right way. It is your story.
Change my questions:
from "What is GOOD?"
"What is POSSIBLE?"

When I am able to let go of needing to be RIGHT I experience the Confidence that leads to Creativity.
Can I let go of needing...

  • The Right answer.
  • The Right way.
  • The Good image.
  • The Perfect (anything)
Your Artist Voice =
Visual Language + Enamel Language

You have a visual language and an enameling language.
Become fluent with each and practice translating from one to the other.

Learn how DESIGN will help you use your enamel language to make your pieces more interesting and focused.

  • Think like an artist: SEE the design elements!
  • Play to discover what is possible & what you like.
  • Practice translating your visual world into enamel imagery.

Your Creative Confidence Habit.

It all starts with the Baby-Steps.
Everything that you do is either creating a new habit or strengthening an existing habit.

Build your CONFIDENCE to Let Go & step into the Creative River.
Use "baby-steps" to move through the GAP where you feel stuck

Enameling is more than Techniques and Rules
Questions & Decisions, Oh My!

Each decision affects another. It can often feel overwhelming.

Learning to enamel is not just discovering the "right answers"...

You are learning to ask enamel questions, make enamel decisions, and learn from each choice that you make.

  • Technique Questions & Decisions: What can I DO with my materials & tools?
  • Science Questions & Decisions: How & Why did I get this result?
  • Enamel Voice Questions & Decisions: What I can use to capture a moment or feeling?
  • Artistic Vision Questions & Decisions: What do I want to "say" and WHY do I care?
Why don't I feel CONFIDENT?

Is this YOU?

There are too many choices or too much information. What if I make the "wrong" choice?
I'm Confused!
None of the skills become muscle memory because I keep searching for NEW skills.
Not enough practice!
What I imagine lies far beyond my skill level but I want it NOW.
Run before I can walk!
Embrace your inner scientist.

Understand & Apply the Science

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You are using HEAT to change your materials. This can be challenging.
Become Confident with Enamel Science

Each time that you HEAT your piece it changes.
Each firing affects both the newly-added and the previously-fired enamel.

Enamel Confidence helps you understand the role of science so that you can apply it to help you achieve the results that you like and want. You learn to always ask yourself the science questions.

Here are a few of the Science Questions that you will begin to explore...

  • Thermal Expansion & Contraction: What is "counter-enamel" and when/why do I need this?
  • Copper & Firescale: How clean does my metal need to be before I enamel on it? Does this need to be as tedious as the books say?
  • Color, Transparency, & Air Bubbles: Why does my transparent color layer look cloudy and how can I achieve greater clarity?
  • Firing Time & Temperature: Is there a right way to do this? How can I control my firing results?
An adventure is a journey into the unknown.
What are Enamel Adventures?

Enamel Adventures help you explore your enamel questions. Instead of showing you the right way or telling you the right answer, I explain my questions and then share the process that I use to explore possible answers.

This is similar to being in your studio, alone with your questions. There are rarely any right answers or right ways. More often , there are many variables that need to be considered.

Exploring your questions is a process of learning about the variables. As you learn and improve you will discover what the variables are and how to change or control them.

Explore your questions and learn to "Think in Enamel"
What Will You Learn?

Travel beyond the traditional approach of step by step "how-to" classes.

Learn to use enamel to explore your enameling questions and discover possible answers. This creates learning experiences which run deep and stay with you for a lifetime.

  • How I do it: Techniques & skills
  • Enamel Science: Become an Alchemist as you combine heat, metal, and enamel
  • Critical-Thinking Skills: Problem-solving & decision-making
  • Creativity: Find unique & personal artistic solutions
  • Design: Put it together so that it says what you want it to say
  • Play: Let go of your fears and have FUN
  • Artistic Vision & Voice: Create a personal enamel language to manifest your enamel ideas
Do you want to feel more CONFIDENT?

Confidence is developed slowly by building a foundation of small successes. Practice the small steps and challenge yourself to step slightly into your discomfort zone in order to improve.

Each Enamel Adventure challenges you to clarify your questions and design simple tutorials that will advance your enameling skills.

Do you want to become more CREATIVE?

Creativity is developed as you become more comfortable asking "What if?" questions and then design exercises to discover possible answers to your questions.

When you are able to let go of needing the RIGHT ANSWER or the RIGHT WAY and discover possible ways and possible answers, new ideas will begin to effortlessly flow.

Embrace Your Stories

What do you want to SAY?

Do you want to move beyond "better technique" and begin to express yourself using your enameling skills? Explore both design and personal questions instead of "how-to" technique questions to take your enameling to a new dimension.

Each of us is unique; we all have our own experiences and point of view. Develop the confidence that you have something personal and valuable to share with your enamel artwork.

Play with Abstract Enamel Imagery
Become comfortable with the unknown

Enamel Adventures challenge you to let go of needing to know where you are going. I love to think of my enamels as collages of color, layers, and light. I pay attention to the shapes, lines, patterns, colors, and values that I'm changing and combining with each firing.

Giving myself permission to JUST PLAY is the key. Blending freedom with control can take me to a place or image that I never imagined.

When you combine metal, glass, and heat...

Learning to Enamel is an Adventure!

You can become "Lost in the Color"

You can literally "paint with colored light".

You don't always know where you will land.

There is always the chance for an unexpected result!

It combines challenge, excitement, and mastery

Hold on for the RIDE!

Possibilities are endless

You will never feel bored!

Learning to Enamel is about

Skills + Science + Design + Story

I am always "in training" to improve one of these skillsets!
My World of Enameling

In my experience, these are the 4 main parts of enameling.

Each has it's own skillset, questions, and types of decision to make.

When I make a piece that I don't like, it's usually because it is lacking in one of these skill areas.

  • Enamel Skills: Tools, Materials, & Techniques
  • Enamel Science: Principles & Variables
  • Enamel Design: Visual & Enamel Language
  • Enamel Story: Use enamel to express your personal point of view
Enameling: Use Heat to combine glass and metal

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Artistic Enameling: Use enameling to make something meaningful that you like.

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