Creative Enamel Color Winter 2020
Step out of your comfort zone and explore the world world of enamel color!
Link to our Home Page
Welcome to Creative Enamel Color.
Share on our Group Forum at the Enamel Nation
Get the most from your learning: Create Personal Tutorials
Materials List
Our Five Classrooms: An animated "virtual tour".
Introduction to "Brainstorming?
The 8 Creative Mindset Skills
The "Sketch" I made as I imagined the Creative Enamel Color Adventure.
Our Weekly Zoom Meetings
Links to Zoom and Forum
Lesson 1. Ricky's Approach to Enameling and Teaching
Lesson 2. Our Weekly "Lesson Plan"
Lesson 3. Your GAP
Lesson 4. Self-Awareness, Self-Assessment, and Your Goals
Lesson 5. Your Vision Book
Lesson 6. How to create and use Personal Tutorials
Lesson 7. Change Your Questions!
Lesson 8. Choose Your "Inspiration Images"
Lesson 9. Artistic Learning and Skills
Lesson 10: What do I like?
Lesson 11: Intuitive Enameling
Lesson 1: Custom Sifter
Lesson 2: Custom Dapping Block
Lesson 3: Prepare Transparent Enamel Collection #1
Lesson 4: Prepare 80 Mesh Transparent Enamel
Muscle Memory and Skill Acquisition
Personal Tutorial Tips
Science Principles to Consider
Jool Tool Talk and Demo
Lesson 1: Do you SEE Edges?
Lesson 2: Design Elements; Learn to SEE like an artist.
Lesson 3. What are Design Elements
Lesson 4: Introduction to Enamel Edges
Lesson 5: Enamel Edges Demonstration
Lesson 6: Experiment with Enamel Edges
Lesson 7: Play with Enamel Edges
Lesson 8: Translate with Enamel Edges
Lesson 9: Apply Your Enamel Edges
Lesson 10: What I learned/Your weekly assignments.
Lesson 11: Self-Expression Challenge; Tell an Enamel Story
Saturday Zoom
Wednesday Zoom
Bonus Lesson: Internalize Your Enamel Colors
Lesson 1: Demo with Layer Styles
Lesson 2: Experiment with Layer Styles
Lesson 3: Play with Layer Styles
Lesson 4: Translate with Layer Styles
Lesson 5: Apply Your Layer Styles
Lesson 6: Some Questions about Your Story
Lesson 7: Brainstorm Your Story using Enamel
Lesson 8: Layer Architecture: Learn to think in enamel layers
Lesson 9: How I THINK in "Enamel Layers"
Lesson 10: Learn to ask "What if...?" Questions
Lesson 11: How I use my "Layer Styles"
Lesson 12: Design Principles
Saturday Zoom
Wednesday Zoom